“The New Planet” is an interactive exercise in which young people work in cooperation and take responsibility for the result of their activities. This is a popular exercise offered in human rights education to young people around the world. It is described in Module 1 of this Guide to Teaching Human Rights. This is a group work where young people are told to imagine that they are the first settlers on a new planet and have to work out the rules of their coexistence so that everyone can live in peace and prosperity.

As a result of this exercise, young people are drafting the Constitution of their planet. Our experience shows that the rules that young people usually write in their “Basic Law of the New Planet” usually reflect the universal values ​​of freedom, equality, security, peaceful development, solidarity and democratic governance. This shows that training in human rights and democratic citizenship has been successful. 

The Academy of Human Rights, Norway has a special page with the results of this training of young migrants in Norway. Their ideas for the arrangement of the New Planet can be seen at the following link: www.nyplanet.org

  “The new planet” of young people in Bulgaria 

The New Planet exercise was successfully held at human rights seminars with young people from Varshets, Montana, Blagoevgrad and Gotse Delchev. Their constitutions of imaginary planets can be seen in the gallery.